I will trust my intuition // Gratitude for 2019

It’s almost the end of the (calendar and fi$cal) year, and I’ve been reflecting on what the heck happened so I can adjust and re-align for the one ahead.

I don’t have a fancy annual report (but you know it’s in the cards for next year), so here’s a list of accomplishments in numbers.

Photo by Christina Nguyen

Photo by Christina Nguyen

In 2019, I did:

14 photo shoots total (events and portraits)

5 photo shoots since officially starting my business in September

3 event/live performance video shoots

2 creative concept video shoots

2 video production contracts signed to start 2020 strong

8 original live music performances (including the once-in-a-lifetime Seattle Rock Lottery!)

Of course, the best things aren’t measured in numbers, but in experiences and actions. I left my Board Presidency at The Vera Project in February and ascended the nonprofit complex completely by leaving Arts Corps and re-emerging as a full-fledged freelancer. I completed an incredible healing and somatics-based Make/Shift freelance course with Devon de Leña, which taught me how to thrive as a freelancer and connected me to some powerful peers. And I could fill pages and pages about all the beautiful art exhibitions, performances, and films I witnessed this year. 

At this time last year, I wasn’t thinking about going freelance - and in fact I didn’t even think it was ever something I could reasonably do. I’m eternally grateful for every ounce of support I’ve received from family and friends - even if not everyone exactly understands what I’m doing! Your unconditional faith in me, your continued encouragement, and your referrals have made this possible - literally, your referrals MAKE my business possible - so I can’t thank you enough.

I’ve never really been one to make resolutions for the new year, and due to my perfectionistic nature, these types of lists can get out of hand and overly-stressful. I want to do cool fun new things but I often prevent myself from moving forward because of fear of the unknown, not feeling justified to spend a little money on myself, or just being too tired and discouraged. When I start to feel discomfort, I tend to walk away instead of facing it, and then opportunities come and go, and may not come back again. So instead of making resolutions I will make an intention to guide my decisions from this moment forward:

I will trust my intuition, and I will lean into my discomfort. 

I’m looking forward to seeing how this will manifest in my personal and professional endeavors in 2020. And I WILL be reporting back on this intention in future blogs and with friends to hold myself accountable. 

So tell me, what intention will you set to guide your 2020 vision (pun intended) for yourself? Drop me a line and let me know if you want an accountability buddy ;)

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Amy Pinon